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Building Contractor and Responsibilities

HCM Office Rental Agency

Building Contractor and Responsibilities -

The concept of the building contractor is no longer strange in the field of construction work. So what is a contractor? What are the rights and obligations of the building construction contractor? This is probably the question many people are asking.

What is a Building Contractor?

What is a Building Contractor?

Simply put, a construction building contractor is a unit or organization that signs a contract directly with a working investor. The building contractor will receive the contractor to perform a series of jobs or the entire work of the construction project.

come in many different forms. Specifically, there are some main forms such as:

  • design contractor.
  • The contractor for construction and construction works.
  • The contractor for the design and construction of works.
  • contractor design supplies all kinds of technological equipment and construction work.
  • The contractor conducts the formulation of work construction investment projects and designs. Along with providing all kinds of technological equipment and construction works.

Responsibilities of the building contractor

construction contractors have great responsibilities. Especially with the means and methods of construction. The contractor is responsible for providing all materials, labor, and all necessary services for the construction. To meet these requirements, the contractor should have the following responsibilities:

Rights of the construction contractor

According to Clause 1, Article 28 of Decree 37/2015/ND-CP, the construction contractor has the following rights:

  • “Control all means and construction methods within the construction site of the overall project.
  • Supplement or replace subcontractors (if necessary) to ensure the quality, price, and progress of the contract work after being approved by the investor.
  • Selection of sub-contractors through bidding or appointment of appropriate sub-contractors ibythe signed construction contractor contract with regulations of law on investment and construction of works.

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Obligations of the building contractor

Obligations of the building contractor

According to Clause 2, Article 28 of Decree 37/2015/ND-CP, the contractor’s obligations include:

“Organizing construction site management, coordinating sub-contractors on the rational use of auxiliary works and construction-serving works to avoid fees; using, protecting the site and maintaining security and order.” The sub-contractors must comply with the direction and administration of the construction contractor on the management of the construction site.

Make a plan and agree with the investor on the progress of the construction stages and major work items, and the payment plan of the contract.

Organize the procurement, manufacture, and supply of materials and equipment according to the requirements and progress of the contractor contract; negotiate and reach an agreement with the investor on the contents of the bidding document for the procurement of major technological equipment, the cost of procurement of the contract’s equipment based on the results of the equipment bidding (if there is an agreement). in the contract).

Organize the quality management system and ensure the quality of the works performed by regulations on quality management of construction works and according to contractual agreements.

Organize, coordinate and manage activities on-site; take measures to ensure environmental sanitation, fire and explosion prevention, labor safety, and security on the construction site.

Actively coordinate with investors in organizing training for managers and workers to operate and use the works; carry out the technology transfer, hand over drawings and technical documents related to the operation, use, and maintenance of the works to the investor.

Carry out testing, adjustment, synchronous commissioning, commissioning, and handover of completed works to the investor according to contractual agreements and State regulations.

Carry out the construction warranty according to the regulations of the State.

To take responsibility before the law and to the investor for the quality and progress of the work under the signed contract, including the work performed by the subcontractor, and to pay material compensation for damage caused by errors. caused by himself”.

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