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Ideal Workspace and Benefits

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Ideal Workspace and Benefits -

Whether you are an office worker or a business founder, one main thing is the “ideal workspace”. A beautiful, creative workspace will bring many unexpected benefits.

What is a workspace? The importance of an ideal workspace

What is a workspace? The importance of an ideal workspace

Workspace, also known as office space, is the space above and below the ground of the business. Created by one or more offices at the company. Workspaces are always linked together, thereby creating an ideal working environment. From there, it helps to optimize activities related to internal, external, and general work of that enterprise.

Good working space will bring the following outstanding results to the business.

A creative workspace helps employees increase work productivity

You may already know some famous ideal workspaces that are widely circulated in the office world. And the most typical of the creative workspaces is the Google workspace design.

Google has always been very focused on employee workspaces. To help their employees increase their creativity, and not be stressed and constrained by their work, google always has unique and new office designs.

It can be said that the working space dramatically impacts the mood and ability of employees to work.

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Ideal working space to attract more talents

97% of employees consider office conditions as one of the office conditions to measure their value to the business. The more professional and modern the ideal workspace is, the more it shows that the company values ​​the capabilities of its employees. Since then, businesses focusing on investing in an ideal workspace will attract more talent.

The beautiful ideal workspace shows the brand position of the company

An office with a unique space, a professional and harmonious layout will help raise the company’s brand and image in the eyes of partners and customers.

Office space shows the style of the business

Office space is a crucial feature to express the style and cultural characteristics of a business.

Some types of ideal workspaces today

Some types of ideal workspaces today

Here are 3 popular types of office space that many businesses apply for today’s design.

Traditional workspace

Traditional workspaces are no longer strange in Vietnam. The characteristic of these traditional workspaces is that the rooms are divided according to each department in the company. The advantage of a traditional workspace is to create a quiet workspace to help employees focus on work

Open ideal workspace

This is the space for the arrangement of co-working space in the enterprise. Here, the feature is that the partitions are minimized to the maximum. This helps optimize the working space to become airy. Increase the cohesion between employees in the company effectively.

Coworking space

Coworking space – Modern office trend is the most popular business today. Many business owners choose coworking office space because of its ability to optimize costs and outstanding utilities.

The characteristics of these spaces are flexible design and fully arranged necessary equipment. There are many areas used such as meeting rooms, living rooms, canteens, etc.

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